Want a new/updated profile page to display outside your classroom/work area? Email issaquahhighptsa@gmail.com
If you have students who are food insecure, there are different places they can pick up food either before school or during lunch.
Fall 2023 letter in staff mailboxes:
Issaquah High is an amazing place and YOU are a major reason why!
Here are some ways your PTSA shows appreciation and support:
PTSA donors would like to pay for your PTSA staff membership again this year. Sign up at a staff breakfast or write your name/email on this sheet of paper and put it in the PTSA mailbox. We were thrilled to reach our goal of 100% Staff Membership last year (counted as FTE). Let’s do it again!
Help us to serve you better by filling out the PTSA Fall Survey at http://tinyurl.com/2023FallStaffSurvey
One last item – ISD is no longer processing PTSA reimbursements. Instead, submit your receipt and reimbursement form (found at www.tinyurl.com/ihptsaStaffHub ) to IHPTSATreasurer@gmail.com by email or PTSA mailbox. If you are combining staff reimbursements to buy a larger item, please note that. Allow for 5 weeks to process.
If you have suggestions for the PTSA, even small ones, email them to issaquahhighptsa@gmail.com. We always want to improve.
Looking forward to another fantastic year!
Wendy Marucheck
IH PTSA President