Thanks to the support and donations from our members, we’re proud to be able to offer these programs to staff.

Teacher Classroom Fund

Receive up to $100 reimbursement for classroom expenses. Complete the Reimbursement Form and return to the PTSA Treasurer ( by April 30. Requests are processed as first come, first serve and may be capped according to our approved budget.

Examples include books, supplies, posters, prizes, and guest speakers. We are unable to reimburse travel, hotel expenses or costs related to retaining a teaching credential. Staff members may combine their reimbursement to purchase a larger item. If doing so, please inform the PTSA Treasurer.


Grant applications are reviewed three times a year. Items, programs or activities that support our mission are considered by the grants committee. Details, application and guidelines are found on the Grants section of this site.

Staff Bios

The staff profile page displayed outside classrooms, offices and work areas are provided based on that year’s PTSA volunteer resources. If you need a new one or don’t have one, please email

PTSA Staff Membership

Subsidized staff memberships are available. Membership grants you a voice and vote at PTSA membership meetings and access to various member discounts. 

For 2024-25 school year we are able to offer free staff memberships. Email with questions.

Student Subsidies for PTSA Events

The PTSA may provide subsidies for our programs such as Mock ACT/SAT tests, Senior Yard Signs, All Night Grad Party for students who face a financial hardship to participate. Staff can make the request or give the student our email