*** Click HERE to report volunteer hours ***
The PTSA Big Heart Community Service Program is a voluntary program which recognizes students’ contributions to the community through service.
Students who complete and report 100+ volunteer hours by their senior year are recognized with an honor cord that can be worn at graduation and their name recognized in the graduation program.
Students may begin reporting hours volunteered after 8th grade promotion. For graduation recognition, Seniors must have all hours logged no later than May 1 of their senior year.

How to participate?

  1. Read the FAQ below for important information.
  2. Register to receive a login. Students click here to register. Enter your preferred email address to receive a login link to create your profile and submit hours. 
  3. Report volunteer hours online - include number of hours, dates of service, name of organization, name, email and phone number for your supervisor or volunteer coordinator.
  4. Check your email periodically as the PTSA chair will reply to the registered email if there are any questions or clarifications needed.
  5. Submit all hours by May 1 of senior year. 100+ hours required to receive honor cord and graduation recognition.


Looking for volunteer ideas? Visit the IHS College and Career Center Volunteer page for a list of opportunities.

Questions? Email issyhighcommunityservice@gmail.com


Frequently Asked Questions

What are Community Service hours? 

  • Community Service Hours are hours spent volunteering to perform services without pay or other compensation (except recognition and appreciation) for the good of an individual, agency, community. 

What counts as Community Service?

  • Hours performed outside school, without pay or compensation.
  • Hours volunteered after 8th grade promotion.  So the summer between 8th and 9th grade counts.

What does not count as Community Service?

  • Hours for class credit such as for Health, Sports Medicine and Music do not count.
  • Interning, shadowing, and training hours do not count.
  • Only actual working/volunteering hours count.  Travel and sleep hours do not count. Rehearsal hours, planning, and meetings do not count.
  • Hours worked as a result of Traffic Court do not count.
  • Have a question whether or not your hours qualify? Reach out to Issaquah High PTSA Community Service.

Are Community Service Hours required for graduation?
No, participation is voluntary.

How many hours are needed for recognition under this program?
100 verifiable hours must be reported by deadline, using the online reporting system. 

When is the deadline?
Deadline for submission by Seniors is May 1, each year.

What information do I need in order to log hours?
Number of hours, dates of service, name of organization, name, email and phone number for your supervisor or volunteer coordinator.

Why Should I Volunteer?

  • Explore different career fields.
  • Give back to the community.
  • Gain valuable contacts for future job or internship opportunities.
  • Learn new skills or enhance skills in your area of interest.
  • Provide colleges a volunteer service record.
  • Meet certain scholarship requirements.
  • Recognition as graduating Senior.