Promoting Healthy Ideas for All!!
Committee History and Description
Additional Resources

Healthy Student works in collaboration with IHS Administration, students, staff and community organizations to prepare students with life skills for high school years and beyond.  The concept for this committee broadened in the 2015-16 school year from “scare tactics” around underage drinking/mock crash into a Positive Community Norms campaign (BE TRUE) about emphasizing the positive choices that students make.  As BE TRUE grew into a separate committee, Healthy Student morphed to provided a place to address student/family needs beyond academics (and not already addressed elsewhere in PTSA), implementing school improvement ideas, and supporting high school programs designed to give students life skills for high school and beyond. 

In recent years these efforts have included support of Mental Health Awareness Week, Sexual Assault Awareness and Self Defense seminars, and follow-up on student school improvement suggestions (microwaves in lunchroom, tampon dispensers, drinking water options). The type of programs supported will change annually based on identified need and interest from students, staff, and parents.  We encourage input from these groups on future projects. The committee chair sits-in on final presentations in Sophomore Psychology (student school improvement suggestions) during finals week each semester.

For more information contact

Issaquah High Counselors:

Issaquah High Counselors (including Teen Health Counselor)

Additional Resources:

Issaquah School District Resources

Parent Education Opportunities

Component of Healthy Student through IHPTSA.

Influence The Choice
Influence the Choice is a nonprofit, community-based, grass-roots organization dedicated to preventing substance use and promoting the mental, physical, and social wellness of our youth

Interesting Articles and Websites:

Myths and Facts about the 21 Minimum Drinking Age

OSPI -Social Networking, Digital Safety & Cyberbullying – A Tip Sheet for Parents

Rachel’s Challenge – promotes a chain reaction of kindness and compassion in your school and community.

IHS has a webpage for Social Emotional Support.  If you want to meet with the IHS Mental Health Counselor, email Sara Torelli at She will email you forms (because she needs permission from the parents) and then set up an appointment.  She is available outside school hours.

Here is an article about dealing with Emotional and Psychological Trauma.

Here is the PowerPoint presentation. "Supporting Your Teen during COVID, including Anxiety and Depression." 

Access past ParentWiser videos on helping teens at  One recent speaker,

Dr. Lisa Damour's resources on teen anxiety .  

In Nov. 2020, Seattle and King County (or PHSKC) issued a health advisory about teen suicide.  

Some action items they recommended:

  • Review the warning signs and risk factors.
  • Talk with each other about emotional health and coping with stress; ask about suicide risk with your teens.
  • Secure firearms and medication in the home.  Remove them altogether if anyone in the home is at risk of suicide.
  • Make a safety plan if concerned about suicidal thoughts or behaviors.
  • Reach out to make positive connections with friends, families and others.

Additional Resources Include:

Full listing of ISD Family Services and Resources.

Full listing of Issaquah PTSA Council Resources.