The Angel Program strives to assist families needing a little extra support making ends meet.  Confidential and behind-the-scenes, the IH PTSA Angel Program is made possible by generous donations from IHS parents, the greater Issaquah community (including Superior Seconds & the Issaquah Food Bank, and hard-working, dedicated volunteers.

IH PTSA Angel Closet is a safe place for students to "shop," located at IHS, in a private office area.  Periodically, students may find clothing, toiletries, personal care items, along with weekend food packs, school supplies, Booster wear, coats, jeans, and more.  
Need HELP?

Contact Lisa Hollingsworth, IHS Attendance Secretary.  Use this ISD Consent to Disclose Eligibility form to access school help.  Questions on the Angel Program?  Email the IHS Angel Program

Special Requests - Students should email special requests to the IHS Angel Program, or print a SPECIAL REQUEST Form. Special requests are accepted throughout the year, including academic supplies, field trip and club fees, along with groceries, household necessities, ORCA passes, gas cards, shoes, prom items, etc. Print the special request form, and return to IHS Front office, within an envelope labeled, "IHS Angel Program."

Senior Items - Caps and gowns, graduation tickets, yearbooks, and Senior All-Night Party tickets are all special for the senior class, and costs may be overwhelming.  Need assistance, questions?  Email the IHS Angel Program or click here to print the SPECIAL REQUEST Form. Print the special request form, and return to IHS Front office, within an envelope labeled, "IHS Angel Program."
How to HELP?

Angel DonorsDonate directly to Angel Program, any time! Don't have an IH PTSA account? CLICK HERE to donate and mark your donation as "Angel Program." 

Angel Shoppers – Like to shop? Volunteers shop for monthly distribution, and student special requests, as needed. 

Angel Closet Helpers – Volunteers in the Angel Closet help students shop, while keeping closet organized. 

Angel Program Support – Volunteers promote and support the Angel Program through marketing, procuring corporate donations, and communicating our Program, throughout the community, all year long. 
Holiday Gifts -Volunteers donate, organize, and promote Holiday gift bags, full of teenage-specific extras, to brighten and enliven the winter break holidays. 
Sign up to volunteer HERE.  
Questions? Email IH PTSA Angel Program .
Reminder: Volunteers must be approved through ISD Volunteer Application,
prior to scheduled event.